Community steps forward to build ramp

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MARK GARDNER/Ellsworth County Independent-Reporter

This handicap ramp was constructed at the Bob Blackburn home by a group of Ellsworth residents helping a community member in need.

Several community members recently banded together on a project to help Ellsworth resident Bob Blackburn recently during his struggle with an illness.

The First Presbyterian Church, Ellsworth Masonic Lodge No. 146 and local community members donated time and money to build a handicap ramp for Blackburn to enter and leave his house.

Kendall Rathbun, master at the Masonic Lodge No. 146, spearheaded the effort, saying it wasn’t just him and the lodge, but it took the effort of several people that came together as Ellsworth always does to help another resident in need.

“There has been a lot of silent community members that have donated funds and time,” said Rathbun.

“With all the help we had everything we wanted to do just fell together.”

Fifteen people worked four evenings to complete the ramp with Ralph Doubrava, owner of Doubrava Woodworking, leading the construction and engineering of the ramp.

Young Blackburn, Bob’s wife, was pleased to have the community come together for her husband. As a gesture of gratitude, she baked and cooked dinners for the workers every evening they worked.

“Helping Bob was well worth it, since we got to enjoy dinners made by Young,” said Rathbun.

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