Digging up the Past

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30 Years Ago

Marquette housing development moving ahead with 12-unit plan.

A representative from the Smolan-Falun area will be in Marquette on Friday morning, April 6, at the Smoky Valley Inn from 11 a.m. on. The representative, Marlysue Esping Holmquist, is asking for persons who are against the closing of Smolan school to sign a petition asking that the question of closing now be put on a ballot for a district-wide decision.

Pearl Sandahl will be producing a “first” at 7:30 p.m. April 6. Her first is that the all-school play this year is literally that. Any Marquette high school student that wanted to be part of this play will be in the production of “Don’t Try to Hyde from Me, Dr. Jekyll.”

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