

Living at the Lake

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By Jennifer McDaniel
For the Ellsworth County I-R

As a child, Willie Vidricksen spent many of his weekends at his family’s cottage at Kanopolis Lake.

Even at a young age, Vidricksen knew that one day he would make it his home. There was just something special about the small, one-room weekend getaway his parents purchased years earlier.

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Spooky Fun

By Vince Hancock
Ellsworth County I-R

With Halloween just a few days away, little ghouls and gobblins across Ellsworth County will be searching for fun and spooky ways to celebrate the holiday. Here is a roundup of local events:

Pumpkin Decorating Contest

There’s still time to get a free pumpkin from First Bank Kansas in Ellsworth, decorate it, and return it by 5:30 p.m. Friday to be eligible to win a gift certificate from the Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce. One entry per person.

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Don’t forget your voter ID

By Vince Hancock
Ellsworth County I-R

Ellsworth County voters have three ways to vote in the Nov. 7 election: in advance, in person; in advance, by mail; and on Election Day, in person.

Shelly Vopat, Ellsworth County clerk, oversees elections. She explained the deadlines and the options available to voters:

• Advance voting, in person, requires that a registered voter cast their vote at Vopat’s office, within the county courthouse, by noon Nov. 6. The voter must present a Kansas driver’s license or state-issued ID. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays (including the noon hour).

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Digging up the Past

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30 Years Ago

Marquette housing development moving ahead with 12-unit plan.

A representative from the Smolan-Falun area will be in Marquette on Friday morning, April 6, at the Smoky Valley Inn from 11 a.m. on. The representative, Marlysue Esping Holmquist, is asking for persons who are against the closing of Smolan school to sign a petition asking that the question of closing now be put on a ballot for a district-wide decision.

Pearl Sandahl will be producing a “first” at 7:30 p.m. April 6. Her first is that the all-school play this year is literally that. Any Marquette high school student that wanted to be part of this play will be in the production of “Don’t Try to Hyde from Me, Dr. Jekyll.”

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Strike up the Band

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Ellsworth County I-R

When talking about Ellsworth Junior/Senior High School band uniforms, you could say they’re vintage, classic, throwback, or perhaps just plain old. Whatever term you use, according to EJSH band members, the uniforms are used up and need to be replaced.

At the Oct. 9 meeting of the USD 327 board of education, a group of EJSH band students requested help in obtaining new — or at least newer — uniforms.

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BY Vince Hancock
Ellsworth County I-R

Annual balls and banquets figure prominently in press clippings about Ellsworth’s all-volunteer fire crew. The leftovers, dumped in the Smoky River after the gatherings, supposedly pleased the catfish.

More people sit at the banquet table now, said Fire Chief Bob Kepka. “There ain’t no food left.”

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Cars take weekend hit at Wilson

By Alan Rusch
Ellsworth County I-R

WILSON — A rash of thefts from 16 unlocked automobiles Saturday during the overnight hours in Wilson has sparked an active investigation by local law enforcement.

“We’re looking at a bunch of suspects but we don’t have anything definitive yet,” Wilson Police Chief Bob Doepp told the Independent-Reporter Monday morning. “The rumor mill is going nuts.”

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Svaty plans Ellsworth visit Oct. 24

Ellsworth’s entry in the 2018 race for governor plans a visit home Tuesday, Oct. 24, to “meet and greet” local and area voters.

Democrat Josh Svaty will be at the Ellsworth Steak House at 6 p.m.

The event is open to the public at no charge.

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Meet the candidates for Marquette mayor and city council seats

Elections for two of the five Marquette city council positions along with the mayor’s position will be Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Approximately 10 years ago, all five city council position were up for election at one time. That could mean in any given election all five council member could be new to the council. Because of this, it was voted by the council to stagger the election of council members. This year, two members will be elected Nov. 7 and in the next election three members will be elected. Each council member term is four years.

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Recent moisture helps and frustrates farmers

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Ellsworth County I-R

A major topic of discussion at the Oct. 5 Ellsworth County milo tour was the lack of moisture during the summer. Two days later, the area was under a flood watch after as much as 2.85 inches of rain fell the day of the milo tour and Friday.

Clint Laflin of the Midway Extension District of Ellsworth and Russell counties said the rain probably pushed back milo harvest a week. It also interrupted wheat planting.

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